Carson City
Carson City Airport is used regularly by private and air taxi operators and is an important hub for business.
LEARN MOREFrequently Asked Questions
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS--For further information, please call the Planning Division at 887-2180.
Q: Where can I place a fence on my property?
A: Fencing Requirement Handout
Q: What is the zoning of my property?
A: You can obtain zoning information by locating your property on the Zoning Map or by calling the Planning Division.
Q: Where can I build a main structure or accessory structure on my property?
A: Main structures and Accessory structures must meet certain minimum setbacks based on the zoning district. Please call the Planning Division for setback information specific to your zoning district.
Q: Where can I park my RV?
A: CCMC 8.09. A recreational vehicle may not be parked or stored on city streets in any zoning district from November 1 through March 31 except for loading or unloading purposes, not to exceed seventy-two (72) hours. From April 1 through October 31, a recreational vehicle may not be parked on a city street for more than one (1) one hundred twen(120) hour period in any thirty (30) day period except for loading or unloading purposes, not to exceed seventy-two (72) hours.
A recreational vehicle may not be parked on a city street without the permission of the lawful occupant of the property abutting the street where the recreational vehicle is parked. No part of a parked recreational vehicle may extend past that portion of the street which abuts the property for which the permission has been given. No wires, hoses, or other conduits may cross sidewalks, public walkways, public right-of-ways, or the property of another.
Recreational vehicles may be parked on private property subject to certain restrictions.
Q: Does Carson City have any regulations against noise?
A: Carson City does not currently have a noise ordinance.
Q: Can I have a home-based business?
A: All home occupations must obtain a Carson City business license and meet the requirements of CCMC 18.05.045.
Q: When do I need a Sign Permit for my business?
A: Development Standards Division 4. It is unlawful for any person to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, or relocate within Carson CIty any sign or other advertising structure as defined in this Division or to install or alter any electrical wiring or fixture therein without first having obtained a permit from the Building Division.
Q: Who enforces neighborhood CC&R's (Codes, Covenants and Restrictions)?
A: CC&R's are a private agreement between the homeowner and the homeowner association. The City does not get involved in these civil matters.
Q: Where do I obtain information on submitting for a building permit?
A: The Building Division is responsible for issuing all building permits.
Q: Where do I obtain information on flood zones for my property?
A: Contact the Engineering Division at 887-2300.
Q: Can I have horses on my property?
A: Animals and Fowl are allowed in the following zoning districts, unless restricted by private CC&Rs: ACR, SF5A, SF2A, SF1A. Contact Animal Services at 887-2171 for the number and types of animals that are allowed.
Q: Where do I obtain parcel information related to ownership, property taxes or other property assessments?
A: The Assessor's Office can provide you with this information.
Q: Where can I obtain information regarding Redevelopment areas or general economic development throughout the City?
A: Visit the Office of Business Development website or call 775-887-2101 for more information.